Yogya is a privacy first platform. All user data is stored anonymously and only after each user grants specific approval. Approval for sharing data can be turned off by the user at any time by updating settings on the settings tab in the app.


When you grant access to allow Yogya to send anonymous user analytics the app records and sends data and details about what you have done, for example when you tap a button the app will inform our analytcis provider that a user with an ID of (this is just an example) "0B6BA70B-9B5C-42AC-B47D-70081A1B879B" tapped the "New yoga class button". We record these events to improve the app, like if a new button is added and no one is tapping on it we'll use the data collected to try and understand why and update the app so users can get the most out of it.

Yoga data

When you contribute yoga data you are making the entire app better for yourself and for those who use it. We analyze the yoga data we collect for many reasons, including:


Yogya uses tootls from third party providers, their privacy polices are listed here:
